Class: Transcription

models~ Transcription

A class representing a Transcription, as a JavaScript Map Object. See the DLx Data Format for information about formatting Transcription objects.

new Transcription( [data])

Create a new Transcription

Name Type Argument Default Description
data Map | Object <optional>

The data to use for this Transcription, as either a Map or an Object.

const transcription = new Transcription({
  latin: `hello`,
  IPA:   `hɛˈloʊ`,

console.log(transcription.get(`ipa`)); // hɛˈloʊ


  • Map


<inner> validateAbbreviation(input)

Validates an abbreviation. Throws a type error if the input is not a valid abbreviation.

Name Type Description
input Any

The input to validate

<inner> validateString(input)

Validates a String for Transcription values. Throws a type error if the input is not a String.

Name Type Description
input Any

The input to validate