Source: transliterate.js

/* eslint-disable

 * Escapes RegExp characters in a string.
 * @param {String} input
 * @returns {String}
function escapeRegExp(input) {
  return input.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/gu, `\\$&`)

 * Gets a random code point from the Unicode geometric shapes block
 * @private
 * @return {String} Returns the random Unicode character
function getRandomCodePoint() {
  const blockBegin  = 9632
  const blockLength = 95
  return String.fromCodePoint(Math.floor(Math.random() * blockLength) + blockBegin)

 * An alias for the {@link transliterate} method
 * @see transliterate
function sanitize(string, substitutions) {
  return transliterate(string, substitutions)

 * An alias for the {@link Transliterator} class
 * @see Transliterator
class Sanitizer {
  constructor(substitutions) {
    this.substitutions = substitutions
    return string => sanitize(string, substitutions)

 * Makes a series of substitutions on a string. Can be used to convert a string from one writing system to another (a process known as "transliteration") or to remove unwanted characters or sequences of characters from a string (a process known as "sanitization").
 * @param  {String} [string=``]               The string to transliterate or sanitize.
 * @param  {Object} [substitutions = new Map] A hash of substitutions to make on the string. Each key in this object should be a string of characters you want to replace, and the value for that key should be the new string of characters to replace it with. For example, setting `"s": "z"` will replace all `s` characters with `z`. To sanitize a string, provide each unwanted character or sequence of characters as as a key, and set the value of that key to an empty string. For example, setting `"ts": ""` in this object will remove all sequences of `ts` from the string (but leave individual instances of `t` and `s` that do not appear in sequence).
 * @return {String}                           Returns a new string with all substitutions made.
 * @example {@lang javascript}
 * const substitutions = {
 *   tʼ: `d`,
 *   ts: `c`,
 * };
 * const input  = `tsatʼ`;
 * const output = transliterate(input, substitutions);
 * console.log(output); // --> "cad"
function transliterate(string = ``, subs = new Map) {

  // Type Checking

  if (typeof string !== `string`) {
    throw new TypeError(`The first argument passed to the transliterate function must be a string.`)

  if (!(subs instanceof Map || typeof subs === `object`)) {
    throw new TypeError(`The substitutions object must be a Map or Object.`)

  if (!(subs instanceof Map)) {
    subs = new Map(Object.entries(subs))

  const values = Array.from(subs.values())

  if (!values.every(val => typeof val === `string`)) {
    throw new TypeError(`Replacements must all be strings.`)

  // Variables

  const temps = new Map  // Track of any temporary placeholders
  let   str   = string   // The string to manipulate

  // Transliteration Steps

  // Sort the substitutions by length of the input (avoids partial replacements)
  subs = new Map(Array.from(subs.entries()).sort(([a], [b]) => b.length - a.length))

  // Make each substitution on the string, using temporary placeholders if needed
  for (const [input, replacement] of subs) {

    // Add the escaped substitution to the set of substitutions to make
    subs.set(input, replacement)

    // Check for feeding problems, and create temporary placeholder substitutions if found
    if (subs.get(replacement)) {

      // Get a random temporary placeholder to substitute
      let temp = getRandomCodePoint()

      // Make sure you haven't already used that placeholder, and generate a new one if so
      while (temps.has(temp)) temp = getRandomCodePoint()

      // Add the placeholder to the set of temporary substitutions
      temps.set(temp, replacement)

      // Update the list of substitutions to use the temporary placeholder
      subs.set(input, temp)


    // Escape regexp special characters in the input
    const escapedInput = escapeRegExp(input)

    // Make the substitution on the string, using the temporary placeholder if present
    const regexp = new RegExp(escapedInput, `gu`)
    str = str.replace(regexp, subs.get(input))


  // Replace the temporary placeholders with their original values
  for (const [temp, replacement] of temps) {
    const regexp = new RegExp(temp, `gu`)
    str = str.replace(regexp, replacement)

  // Return the transliterated string
  return str


 * A Transliterator class that saves a set of transliteration rules for repeated use.
 * @prop {Object}   substitutions The set of substitution rules for this Transliterator. You can update the substitution rules used by this Transliterator at any time by modifying this object. See the {@link transliterate} method for documentation on how this substitutions object should be formatted.
 * @example {@lang javascript}
 * const substitutions = {
 *   tʼ: `d`,
 *   ts: `c`,
 * };
 * const transliterate = new Transliterator(substitutions);
 * const input         = `tsatʼ`;
 * const output        = transliterate(input);
 * console.log(output); // --> "cad"
class Transliterator {
   * Create a new Transliterator
   * @param {Object}    substitutions The set of substitution rules that this Transliterator should use. See the {@link transliterate} method for documentation on how this substitutions object should be formatted.
   * @return {Function}               Returns a transliterate function that accepts a string and makes the substitutions provided in the `transliterate` argument.
  constructor(substitutions) {
    this.substitutions = substitutions
    return string => transliterate(string, this.substitutions)

// Exports

export {